TOMA project

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TOMA (Training Offer management Application) is a Java application to manage training descriptions, as well as catalogues hierarchy, organism data, locations, animators and contacts used in training offers.

It also allows to publish the training offers described in PDF, RTF, HTML and XML in the TED format.

TOMA is also capable of importing and exporting XML TED files: TED means "Training Exchange Definition", it is an XML format (defined in XMLSchema) to describe training offers (see below for more details).

TOMA can be used as a standalone application or as a client server application.

TOMA Screenshot

TOMA project page on sourceforge:

Project page:

On the project page you will be able to download TOMA, look in the mailing list and forums, etc.

TOMA documentation

The documentation (only in french at the moment) initially provided with TOMA is accessible here.


TED means "Training Exchange Definition". It is an XML format to describe training offers.

TED elements description (PDF): ted.pdf

TED XMLSchema: ted.xsd


For any question about TOMA or TED, feel free to contact us on the TOMA sourceforge forum, or by email:

TOMA has been initially developed by the Centre de Recherche Public Henri Tudor in Luxembourg.

last modified: 20/03/2008 - Sophie Ramel